Context Search Results

Context ID: 4165
Site Name: Heater's Island
Context Number: 18FR72-109
Summary: lab number 109, unit 130N 45E
Short Title: test unit
Deposit Type: plowzone
Deposit SubType:
Context Description: test unit
Center X:
Center Y:
Grid North Coord: 130
Grid East Coord: 45
Horizontal Location:
Excavation Unit:
Feature Number:
Stratigraphic Level:
Unit Size: 5x5 ft
Size Multiple:
SC Number:
MacCord Unit:
MacCord Acc Number:
JPPM Distribution Map:
Excavation Method:
Screen Type: 1/4 inch
Feature Type:
Basin Type:
Temporal Period:
Context Type:
Excavators Notes:
Supervisors Notes:
Context Later:
Context Earlier:
Plan Shape:
Profile Shape:
Soil Type:
Soil Texture:
Munsell Color:
Context Width:
Context Width:
Context Depth:
X Coord:
Y Coord:
Z Coord:
Excavated By:
Excavated Date:

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A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

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