Help with Searching

You may search for all individuals associated with a particular site and/or for a particular person. The site search will reveal a list of individuals associated with that site and also, in some cases, a "chain of title" showing the sequence of property owners. A search by individual will show basic biographical information, spouse(s) if any, children if any, land holdings, and probate information. These will be shown in separate tabs; click on the tab heading to move from section to section. If a tab does not appear, it means that there is no information for this individual regarding this category.

Note that historical information is available for only a subset of the total number of sites. Historical data may be added for some or all of the remaining sites in the future.

An Access database with this historical information is available for each one of this subset of sites in the Downloads section.

Please contact us if you find any problems with any of the information.

About the Project

A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

Technical Data

How we gathered and organized the data, details about the databases, information for those who want to download and work with the data.

Browse the Sites

Browse the 34 archaeological sites included in the project. These site summaries include links to images, maps, GIS data, and artifact collections.

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