Associated Persons and/or Chain of Title

Associated Persons, Johnsontown

Chain of Title, Johnsontown

GrantorGranteeGrant DateReference
Land Office Daniel Johnson & Richard Morris November 5, 1662AOMOL vol. 53 p. 286
Richard Morris William Codwell January 4, 1663AOMOL vol. 53 p. 435
Daniel Johnson & William Codwell Francis Wine May 12, 1663AOMOL vol. 53 p. 436
Francis Wine Henry Hawkins April 25, 1665AOMOL vol. 53 p. 580
Henry Hawkins Elizabeth & Henry Holland Hawkins May 12, 1699Will Record 6/310
Henry Holland Hawkins Josias Hawkins April 22, 1751Will Record 28/73
Josias Hawkins Caleb Hawkins November 16, 1789Will Record AI-10 p. 212
Caleb Hawkins John B. Mills December 9, 1818CCLR IB 12/542
John B. Mills Augustine Neale 1844Will Record DJ 16/360
Heirs William B. Ziff January 28, 1944CCLR WMA 79/435
William Ziff Charles Fenwick March 27, 1947WMA 84/596
Charles & Maria Fenwick Maurice & Sarah Feimster July 10, 1951CCLR PCM 97/154
Feimster Inc. Heirs April 26, 1979PCM 644/83

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A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

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