Artifact Inventories

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Copies of the artifact inventories that were used in constructing the comprehensive artifact and context database.

Accokeek Creek


Antenna Field

  • Antenna Field Artifact Inventory.   Appendix II (pages 51-73) in King, Julia A, and Dennis J. Pogue. 1985. Archaeological Investigations at the "Antenna Field," St. Inigoes, Maryland.



Clifts Plantation

Country's House


Fair Fountain


  • Fendall Artifact Inventory.   Appendices II and III (pages 69-87) in Strickland, Scott M., and Julia A. King. 2011. An Archaeological Survey of the Charleston Property: Josias Fendall's Dwelling Plantation.


  • Hallowes Artifact Inventory.   Appendices 1-8 (pages 155-231) in Hatch, D. Brad, Lauren K. McMillan, and Barbara J. Heath. 2013. Archaeological Reassessment of the Hallowes Site (44WM6).

Harmony Hall

  • Harmony Hall Artifact Inventory.   Appendix C (pages 103-136) in Sonderman, Robert C., Matthew R. Virta, Marilyn W. Nickels, and Stephen R. Potter. 1993. Archaeology at Harmony Hall: Exploring the Late Seventeenth-Century Frontier of Maryland.

Heater's Island

Henry Brooks

His Lordships Favor

  • His Lordships Favor Artifact Inventory.   Appendices II and III (pages 57-64) in King, Julia A. and Scott M. Strickland. 2009. In Search of Zekiah Manor: Archaeological Investigations at His Lordship's Favor.


  • Hogue Artifact Inventory.   Appendix V (pages 286-301) in Flick, Alex J., Skylar A. Bauer, Scott M. Strickland, D. Brad Hatch, and Julia A. King. 2012. "…a place now known until them:" The Search for Zekiah Fort.

John Washington


  • Johnsontown Artifact Inventory.   Appendix IV (pages 76-79) in King, Julia A., Scott M. Strickland, and Kevin Norris. 2008. The Search for the Court House at Moore's Lodge: Charles County's First County Seat.

Jordan Swamp

  • Jorrdan Swamp Artifact Inventory.   Appendix VI (pages 302-304) in Flick, Alex J., Skylar A. Bauer, Scott M. Strickland, D. Brad Hatch, and Julia A. King. 2012. "…a place now known until them:" The Search for Zekiah Fort.


Maurice Clark

Moore's Lodge

  • Moores Lodge Artifact Inventory.   Appendices VI and VII (pages 90-119) in King, Julia A., Scott M. Strickland, and Kevin Norris. 2008. The Search for the Court House at Moore's Lodge: Charles County's First County Seat.

Newman's Neck

Notley Hall

  • Notley Hall Artifact Inventory.   Appendix II (pages 90-113) in Bauer, Skylar A., Julia A. King, and Scott M. Strickland. 2013. Archaeological Investigations at Notley Hall Near Chaptico, Maryland.

Old Chapel Field


  • Posey Artifact Inventory.   Appendix C (pages 178-210) in Harmon, James M. 1999. Archaeological Investigations at the Posey Site (18CH281) and 18CH282, Indian Head Division, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Charles County, Maryland.

Potomac Creek

St. Peter's

Tudor Hall

  • Tudor Hall Artifact Inventory.   Appendix III in R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc. 1998. Phase II Archeological Evaluation of Five Sites and Architectural Evaluation of Standing Structures for the Proposed Tudor Hall Village Development, St. Mary's County, Maryland.


Van Sweringen's

Westwood Manor

Zekiah Fort

  • Zekiah Fort Artifact Inventory.   Appendices I-IV (pages 217-285) in Flick, Alex J., Skylar A. Bauer, Scott M. Strickland, D. Brad Hatch, and Julia A. King. 2012. "…a place now known until them:" The Search for Zekiah Fort.

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A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

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