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If you wish to work with the small finds data, large intersite comparisons of artifacts, or the historical data, we recommend downloading the entire database as a Microsoft Access file using the link below.

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Individual Artifact/Context Data, Images, and GIS Data by Site

Use these links if you want only specific data on certain individual sites. The artifact/context data will be generated as a CSV (comma separated variable) file that you can open in Access, Excel, or most other spreadsheets or databases. Artifact photos are in JPG format and are transmitted as a single ZIP file. GIS data is transmitted as a ZIP file containing PMF files that can be opened in ArcGIS Reader.

Click on the column head to sort by site name or site number. See the "Help with Downloading" link for details.

Site NameSite Number Artifact/Context FilesImagesGIS Files
Accokeek Creek18PR8 Not available yet SITEMAPS-ACCOKEEK.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Addison18PR175 Not available yet SITEMAPS-ADDIS.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Antenna Field18ST386 Not available yet SITEMAPS-ANTFIELD.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Brent44ST130 Not available yet SITEMAPS-BRENT.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Henry Brooks44WM205 Not available yet SITEMAPS-BROOKS.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Camden44CE3 Not available yet SITEMAPS-CAM.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Maurice Clark44ST174 Not available yet SITEMAPS-CLARK.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Clifts Plantation44WM33 Not available yet SITEMAPS-CLIFTS.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Country's House18ST1-13 Not available yet SITEMAPS-COUNTRYHSE.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Cumberland18CV171 Not available yet SITEMAPS-CUMBERLAND.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Fendall18CH805 Not available yet SITEMAPS-FENDALL.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Fair Fountain18CH4 Not available yet SITEMAPS-FF.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Harmony Hall18PR305 Not available yet SITEMAPS-HAHA.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Hallowes44WM6 Not available yet SITEMAPS-HALLOWES.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Heater's Island18FR72 Not available yet SITEMAPS-HISLAND.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
His Lordships Favor18CH793 Not available yet SITEMAPS-HLF.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Hogue18CH103 Not available yet SITEMAPS-HOGUE.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Jordan Swamp18CH694 Not available yet SITEMAPS-JOSW.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Johnsontown18CH778 Not available yet Not available yet Not available yet
Mattapany18ST390 Not available yet SITEMAPS-MATTA.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Moore's Lodge18CH777 Not available yet SITEMAPS-MOORE.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Newman's Neck44NB180 Not available yet SITEMAPS-NEWNECK.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Notley Hall18ST74 Not available yet SITEMAPS-NOTLEY.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Old Chapel Field18ST233 Not available yet SITEMAPS-OCF.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Posey18CH281 Not available yet SITEMAPS-POSEY.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Potomac Creek44ST2 Not available yet SITEMAPS-POTOMACC.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
St. Peter's18ST1-31 Not available yet SITEMAPS-STPETE.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Susquehannock Fort18PR8 Not available yet SITEMAPS-SUSQUEFORT.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Tudor Hall18ST677 Not available yet SITEMAPS-TUDOR.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Turner18CH209 Not available yet SITEMAPS-TURNER.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Van Sweringen's18ST1-19 Not available yet SITEMAPS-VANSWERINGEN.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
John Washington44WM204 Not available yet SITEMAPS-WASH.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Westwood Manor18CH621 Not available yet SITEMAPS-WESTWOOD.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet
Zekiah Fort18CH808 Not available yet SITEMAPS-ZEKIAH.ZIP Not available yet Not available yet

About the Project

A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

Technical Data

How we gathered and organized the data, details about the databases, information for those who want to download and work with the data.

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