Showing 1-50 of 257 records

Context Search Results

SiteContext NumberSummaryDeposit Type
Posey feature
Posey feature
Posey18CH281-001general surfacesurface collection
Posey18CH281-002lot 2unidentified
Posey18CH281-003lot 3plowzone
Posey18CH281-004lot 4layer
Posey18CH281-005lot 5unidentified
Posey18CH281-006lot 6plowzone
Posey18CH281-007lot 7plowzone
Posey18CH281-008lot 8plowzone
Posey18CH281-009lot 9plowzone
Posey18CH281-010lot 10unidentified
Posey18CH281-011lot 11unidentified
Posey18CH281-012lot 12plowzone
Posey18CH281-013lot 13, location S19, E7, level 1unidentified
Posey18CH281-014lot 14, location S19, E7, level 2unidentified
Posey18CH281-015lot 15, location S20, E7unidentified
Posey18CH281-016lot 36unidentified
Posey18CH281-017lot 17, location S20, E7, level 2unidentified
Posey18CH281-018lot 18, location S20, E7, level 3unidentified
Posey18CH281-019lot 19, location S20, E7, level 3/4unidentified
Posey18CH281-020lot 20, location S20, E7, level 3/4unidentified
Posey18CH281-021lot 21, location S20, E7unidentified
Posey18CH281-022lot 22, location S20, E7, level 3/4unidentified
Posey18CH281-023lot 23, location S20, E7, level 3/4unidentified
Posey18CH281-024lot 24, location N13, E7, level 1unidentified
Posey18CH281-025lot 25, location N13, E7, level 2unidentified
Posey18CH281-026lot 26, location N13, E7, level 3unidentified
Posey18CH281-027lot 27, location S15, E20, level 1unidentified
Posey18CH281-028lot 28unidentified
Posey18CH281-029lot 29feature
Posey18CH281-030lot 30feature
Posey18CH281-031lot 31feature
Posey18CH281-032lot 32feature
Posey18CH281-033lot 33feature
Posey18CH281-034lot 34feature
Posey18CH281-035lot 35feature
Posey18CH281-036lot 36feature
Posey18CH281-037lot 37unidentified
Posey18CH281-038lot 38, unit 19165, level Alayer
Posey18CH281-039lot 39, unit 20866, level Alayer
Posey18CH281-040lot 40, unit 20866, level Bplowzone
Posey18CH281-041lot 41, unit 21061, level Alayer
Posey18CH281-042lot 42, unit 21061, level Blayer
Posey18CH281-043lot 43, unit 27879, level Aplowzone
Posey18CH281-044lot 44, unit 28068, level Aplowzone
Posey18CH281-045lot 45, unit 28071, level Aplowzone
Posey18CH281-046lot 46, unit 28257, level Aplowzone
Posey18CH281-047lot 47, unit 28260, level Aplowzone
Posey18CH281-048lot 48, unit 28449, level Aplowzone
Showing 1-50 of 257 records

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A multi-year and multi-institution collaboration standardizing and synthesizing archaeological data for important sites in the Potomac River Valley during the period 1500-1720.

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