Associated Persons and/or Chain of Title

Associated Persons, Maurice Clark

Chain of Title, Maurice Clark

GrantorGranteeGrant DateReference
Colonel John Catlett 1666Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:21
Colonel John Catlett William and Leonard Claiborne September 6, 1668Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:21
William and Leonard Claiborne Rev. John Waugh 1668Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:21
Rev. John Waugh Dr. Edward Maddox 1692Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:21
Dr. Edward Maddox John Hamilton 1694King 1961:179-180 in Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:21
John Hamilton Proprietor (various members of the Culpeper and Fairfax families) sometime between 1694-1710Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:22
Proprietor Maurice Clark by 1710Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:22
Maurice Clark Peter Waterson 1710/1711Richmond County Will Books 5:40
Thomas Harwood William Strother 1727Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
Alice Cale William Strother 1729Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
John Hartshorn William Strother 1732Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
William Strother estate Augustine Washington 1738Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
Augustine Washington George Washington 1743Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
George Washington Lessees: James Hunter and William Fitzhugh 1772Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:23
George Washington Dr. Hugh Mercer 1777Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
Mercer family Leased multiple tenants 1777Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
Union army During the Civil WarMuraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
Jane Carson After the Civil WarMuraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
Jane Carson James B. Colbert After the Civil WarMuraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
James B. Colbert George Washington Foundation 1928Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
George Washington Foundation heirs of James B. Colbert sometime between 1928-1946Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
heirs of James B. Colbert George Washington Boyhood Home Foundation 1946Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:24
George Washington Boyhood Home Foundation Samuel and Irma Warren sometime after 1946Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:25
Samuel and Irma Warren Stafford County 1990Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:25
Samuel and Irma Warren the Kenmore Association 1996Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:25
Stafford County the Kenmore Association 1996Muraca, Nasca, Levy 2006:25

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