Associated Persons and/or Chain of Title

Associated Persons, His Lordships Favor

Chain of Title, His Lordships Favor

GrantorGranteeGrant DateReference
Land Office William Boarman August 20, 1699Pat Rec. DD 5/186 & WD 500 (mention)
William Boarman Hugh Teares September 2, 1699Pat Rec. DD 5/186 & WD 500 (mention)
Hugh Teares Eleanor Teares (wife) & Elizabeth (dau.) February 20, 1700Prerogative Court Wills, 11/189 & 11/204
Eleanor & Elizabeth Teares Eleanor & John Beale (married) June 22, 1700MSA, Vol 77, p. 596
Eleanor & John Beale John Beale October 11, 1705Deed, B 2/192 & Pat. Rec. WD 500
John Beale Richard Beale (son) November 3, 1724Deed, L 2/173
Richard Beale William Middleton January 2, 1724/25Deed, L 2/185
William Middleton John Lancaster September 1738Deed, O 2/267
John Lancaster Clement McWilliam August 26, 1806Deed, JB 7/172
Clement McWilliam John Baptist Thompson February 7, 1810Deed, JB 8/402
John Baptist Thompson Eleanor Middleton Thompson (wife) October 11, 1814CC Reg. of Wills, HB 13/302 & 382
Eleanore Middleton Thompson Henry A. Thompson Unknown DateDeed, BGS 3/444 (first known mention)
Henry A. Thompson Richard T. Boarman February 14, 1879Deed, BGS 3/444
Richard T. Boarman Henry A. & Margaret Amelia Turner October 5, 1892Deed, JST 5/232
Henry A. & Margaret Amelia Turner J. Samuel and Melina Turner April 18, 1899Deed, BGS 9/585
J. Samuel and Melina Turner George B. & Margaret B. Berger June 4, 1913Deed, HCC 25/691
George B. & Margaret B. Berger Charles E. and Mary K. Shirk October 1, 1952Deed, 103/586
Charles E. & Mary K. Shirk Howard S., Margaret T. Carpenter, Merton J. & Rebecca W. Jarboe September 6, 1955Deed, 120/62
Howard S., Margaret T. Carpenter, Merton J. & Rebecca W. Jarboe Washington Lumber and Turpentine March 16, 1956Deed, 123/80
Washington Lumber and Turpentine St. Charles City Inc. December 26, 1964Deed, 172/640
St. Charles City Inc. Waldorf Development Company Inc. November 22, 1968Deed, 199/436
Waldorf Development Company Inc. St. Charles Association May 25, 1976Deed, 454/21
St. Charles Associates St. Charles Community LLC. August 1, 1997Deed, 2437/104 & P.B. 41:268

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