Associated Persons and/or Chain of Title

Associated Persons, Moore's Lodge

Chain of Title, Moore's Lodge

GrantorGranteeGrant DateReference
Land Office Henry Moore 1661CCLR Deed Liber A folio 189
Henry Moore John Allen March 11, 1670CCLR Deed Liber E folio 38
John Allen Thomas Notley September 18, 1674CCLR Liber F folio 71
Thomas Notely Thomas Hussey April 1676CCLR Liber H2 follio 449
Thomas Hussey Samuel Luckett 1700MD Calendar of Wills Vol 2 p 211
Samuel Luckett John Hanson 1704MD Calendar of Wills Vol 3 p 63; CCLR Liber H2 folio 449
John Hanson John Hanson Jr. 1738CCLR Liber O2 folio 329
John Hanson Jr. John Hanson III 1754Pat. Rec. EI 5 p. 273
John Hanson III Samuel Hanson 1780CCLR Liber V3 folio 500
Samuel Hanson Henry Massey Hanson May 21, 1794CCLR Liber N4 folio 264
Henry Massey Hanson John M. Hanson Before August 1835MDIHP CH-529
John M. Hanson Hugh Cox August 1835CCLR Liber IB21 folio 429
Hugh Cox John D. Hanson March 11, 1837CCLR Liber IB22 folio 364
John D. Hanson Elizabeth A. Hanson 1865MDIHP CH-529
Elizabeth A. Hanson John D. Hanson June 20, 1867CCLR Liber GAH1 folio 271
John D. Hanson Patrick A Murphy August 3, 1872CCLR Liber GAH3 folio 476
Patrick A. Murphy James B. & Charles A. Murphy 1900MDIHP CH-529
James B. Murphy Charles A. Murphy February 6, 1902CCLR BGS12 folio 501
Heirs of Charles A. Murphy Xavier W and Mary R. M. Garner November 23, 1926CCLR Liber WMA46 folio 263
Heirs of R.M. Garner Gordon R. Moreland June 8, 1982CCLR Liber PCM838 folio 3
Gordon R. Moreland Mary Jones, Katherine Turner, Barbara Ann Howell & Adelaide Garner June 14, 1982CCLR Liber PCM838 folio 6
Mary Jones Omar J. Jones III & Elizabeth Carrol May 5, 1983CCLR Liber PCM900 folio 69
Omar J. Jones III Barbara Howell, Katherine Turner & Elizabeth Carroll August 28, 1989CCLR Liber DGB1407 folio 88
John J. Carroll Jr. Barbara Howell March 18, 2010CCLR Liber SLH 7115 folio 266

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