Associated Persons and/or Chain of Title

Associated Persons, John Washington

Chain of Title, John Washington

GrantorGranteeGrant DateReference
Henry Brooks David Anderson and Richard Cole 1655see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)
Richard Cole Davide Anderson March 10, 1656see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)
David Anderson John Washington December 3, 1664Westmoreland County, Virginia Deeds, Patents, Etc., 1665-1677, page 252.
John Washington John Washington Jr. 1677see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)
John Washington Jr. Anne Washington 1698see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)
Anne Washington John Washington 1709see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)
County court grants rights and title Augustine Washington 1743see Charles Hatch "Chapters in the History of Popes Creek Plantation" (1968)

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